Thursday, September 7, 2017

I've done some dumb things but....

...closing on a house in south Florida 2 days before the mother of all hurricanes may very well be my finest accomplishment!! Hey, what's the worst that can happen?? Insurance is in effect and we'll have a hell of a story to tell someones grand kids!!

Seriously, the house is beautiful and I'll post more pictures in the next post. I just want to let everyone know that we're OK and have a safe place to stay as well as offers from friends so we'll be fine. The boat is at Legacy Harbour in downtown Ft. Myers which is about 20 miles up river from the gulf. We've tied a bunch of extra lines and will strip off all the canvas tomorrow as well as bring in anything that can blow around. After that we head to the house and make sure it's ready...not much to do to an empty house though!

We'll see what the morning update is before deciding to stay or vamoose but as it stands now we'll be better off here than on the roads!! We have plenty of food and water (beer) stocked up so we're good there. It's amazing to see the rush on the grocery and hardware stores...just like a blizzard warning up north. Nice thing here is that after the storm it's back to 80 and sunny, nothing to shovel!!

I've packed the tracker and will turn it on tomorrow afternoon. You'll be able to see what we decide (and send help if needed)....Just click on the locate us link on the right.

Update next week, wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. Hey - It's a Lee thing. You guys may not remember, but a few days after I closed on the Hudson place a hurricane came through. Apparently the "Lee" side is at it again (I like throwing in a nautical thing now and then). Don't worry if you can get a hold of me. Both my phone and Al's have died. We are getting new ones today. Be Safe <3
