Thursday, May 21, 2015

A bit of explanation

It seems that all of my best ideas (not that I've had many) are started with some notes on a bar napkin over a few cocktails. These ideas have always seemed brilliant at the time and some have even turned out that way. Well, that's the way the name of our boat came about. A few years ago we were sitting at the Thompson Road Cabana Club with some good friends thinking about our future, specifically, our future on a boat. We began talking about names for our future home and began putting a few down on said bar napkin. Before long I was hit with a bolt of rum infused inspiration! Chasing 80!! As in degrees!!! That is where we always want to be. No more snow and ice and cold and wind...well, you get the point. Mind you, this was long before we had even begun looking for our dream boat but we had a name and that was a good start.

Why, you may ask, am I telling you this now? Well, it seems that when we tell people of our plans and the name of our boat 80% ask; "Oh, 80 years old"? While that's not a bad goal (mine happens to be a bit more) that's not the reason for the name. To hopefully make things a bit easier on people when they see the boat Jill came up with a little mascot to help get the point across and last week we officially had the boat lettered.....

Chasing 80 (degrees)

 Sorry for the poor picture but we are excited to finally have the name on the boat! Now it is time for the re-naming ceremony!!

It was a short trip last week to take some more of our personal items to the boat and celebrate my birthday then back home to keep working on the house. Hopefully the boat will soon be our home. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

On another note, we have figured out why our marina is called Green Turtle Bay...

Not sure if they're green but they sure look hungry!

For those of you that have signed up for updates using the link on the right, I understand that it sends the whole post, not just something telling you to go to the blog. I imagine this could be a problem if we make a post with a bunch of pictures. I will see if there is something I can do on my end to change that.

That's it for now. Stay tuned for some exciting news from the home front (we hope).

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