If you've been following our blog from the beginning or at least went back and read the first post you know that Jill and I have had a bit of a plan as far as this boating thing goes. Buy a boat big enough to live on (check) sell everything we own in order to live on said boat (check) retire and start traveling (pending).
We have spent the past few weeks getting the house sold, giving away or selling most of what we own and moving onto the boat here in Grand Rivers, KY. Last year the house was on the market for 6 months without much of a nibble...this year we had an offer in 6 days!! Needless to say we were caught a bit off guard and spent the last month rushing around to get everything done. Well, yesterday at noon we took our last trip down the driveway headed toward the future. I'm glad we were in separate cars because, to be honest, I had a tear in my eye for a few moments. We had a great 15 years there on Thompson Rd. but I'm sure that will be nothing compared to the next 15!!.
Last Party at TRCC |
Next stop was at our good friends house where Mike took possession of my beloved Avalanche leaving Jill and I to travel the next 4 hours in a heavily overloaded Mini Cooper, our only car now.
Rolling Entrapment
Sooooo after all the chaos and rushing around we are now truly homeless, at least in the dirt sense. I will also have to admit that after the 4 hour drive I had a huge grin on my face as we came into the marina. I think (hope!) we are really going to enjoy this next chapter of our lives. Everything we now own is on the boat, in the parking lot or in a 5 x 10 storage unit in Cincinnati. We call that our starter kit for the next house wherever that may be.
Room to spare |
Today was that dawn of the new day. We woke up on the boat without having to think about "when do we have to go home". We still worked our butts off today like we only have a few days here. We will have to get better at that for sure! We still have to make some trips back home to tie up some loose ends (like retirement) but the reality of it is we are full time boaters now and for the foreseeable future. I'm OK with that. We will miss our friends and family for sure but hope they follow along and plan a visit or two. We have had several volunteers for any excursion to the Bahamas, go figure.
One last shot as the sun goes down over Green Turtle Bay. You should really plan a visit. Just call first, we may be out boating ;)
Wish us luck!!!!!!
Wow. This great adventure couldn't happen to two nicer people. You guys are ready, willing and able to make this happen. No one is gonna say it, but most people want to be in your shoes (or flip flops) and take this type of adventure for a lifetime. Keep the stories coming so we can live that Jimmy Buffett life through you. I miss you two already. When I need my McMullen "fix" i just go sit in the Big chair. G Light